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Week 11 Storytelling: The not so Wiley Coyote

Once there was a coyote, and all he wanted in life was a friend. He often caught himself watching all of the other animals, saddened, thinking to himself, "I wish I could fly like the bird" or "I wish I had such beauty as the ." But all of the other animals were warned about the coyotes kind. They were warned to stay away, because he was a dangerous creature.

The coyote wanted to prove to the town that he was actually good, so he devised a plan that would surely show all the other animals that he was not bad.

The coyote began to gather flowers and plants of such beauty, and he began to weave them into a banner that he planned to hang above the two main trees in the village. As he was setting up this banner, he noticed a roadrunner trot by and as he was admiring him, he forgot to attach the final piece of vine that would fully attach the banner.

The other animals began to notice what the coyote was doing so they approached him. As the coyote was standing by, he thought surely he had proved his goodness to the village. One rabbit was standing directly underneath the banner, and just at that moment, the banner fell, encapsulating the rabbit. The other animals began to shriek and yell that the coyote had captured the rabbit, and they all ran away.

The coyote was horrified at what had happened and he was deeply saddened for he would never have a friend.

He went over to the rabbit trapped underneath the banner and attempted to help the poor rabbit out. Initially the rabbit was scared, but he soon saw that the coyote was only trying to help him escape.

Once the rabbit was free he asked the coyote, "Why did you let me go?"

The coyote explained his whole story and how he would never have wanted to hurt the rabbit and that all he wanted was to show the village some beauty. The rabbit saw that he was telling the truth, and despite all odds, he decided to give the coyote a chance. He invited the coyote over for dinner and they shared a great night together.

The animals slowly began to change their mind about the ways of the coyote and for once there was peace among the village and the coyote had found a friend.

Author's Note: When reading this week's readings, the story of the Coyote's Eyes stood out to me. It was just another coyote story but this one really made me think about how much the coyote could be misunderstood. While I realize that the coyote is capable of a violent nature, I believe that there could be many other animals made out to be bad in their storytelling. In a lot of these stories, the coyote wanting to imitate another animal is considered a bad thing, but in my opinion it seems like he is just curious and admiring of the other animals traits. In this story I wanted to create a story where the coyote is initially sought out to be a bad guy but then when the other animals get to know him, they find out that he is actually a nice guy.

Bibliography: Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest by Katherine Berry Judson, California and the Old Southwest Unit

Image Info: Coyote Pups


  1. Hey Stephanie!

    I really liked the images you used because they fit the story perfectly! I think it was great how you added that the event of a problem such as the rabbit getting caught yet the coyote was able to overcome it and make a friend. I also liked your Author's note because it explained your thinking in writing this story.

  2. Hey Stephanie!
    OMG your puppies look so cute! It is a good thing they were at the end because I would have gotten completely distracted from the story! I really liked what you did here and think your writing style is really nice! I feel like it just flowed really well and it was a smooth read if that makes sense. Keep this up!

  3. Cute Coyote story. Cute concept, cute picture, cute ending. Nice. I didn't read your author's note because I wanted to guess what you read. I think it was from a Native American Tale or maybe you read something else and turned the characters into animals. Yes, I believe it was a Native American story. No need to tell me whether I am right or not. I will live in blissful ignorance of the outcome.

  4. Hi Stephanie! I really like the picture yo included with your story, I had no idea coyote pups were so darn cute! I enjoyed reading your story, it flowed nicely and wasn't too long or too short. I like that you chose to show a friendly side of the coyote, too, since most people think of coyotes as being a little more viscous.


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