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Week 6 Storytelling: The Creation

Once, there was a simple world. People communicated by talking to one another, and occasionally people would even write down their thoughts onto paper and share it with others. People traveled via foot, and occasionally by animal. But, they didn't really know how big the world really was. The simple world was nice, and many people were only in contact with the people they wanted to be in contact with and they thought it was good.

One girl, however, always wondered what the world was outside of her school and neighborhood. She began to experiment in her room and eventually created a prototype of a device that would allow her to talk to her neighbor without being in plane of vision. Her neighbor, was fascinated and they began to experiment together until they could get their device able to reach farther and farther distances. However, the girls parents found out, and they were angry. There wasn't a reason to talk to people that were outside of their contact area.

The girl was not discouraged though, in fact, she was inspired to create a device that would allow her to communicate with everyone in the world! As she grew older, her experiments got more and more impressive until one day she cracked the code and invented a device that allowed you to type messages onto it and send it to anywhere in the world. The only problem was that if you wanted a message to reach someone, they needed to also have this device.

The girl told her parents what she discovered, and she told them that she was going to travel across the span of several neighborhoods and sell her product. While, again, they did not think her idea was necessary, they saw that they could not change her mind, and let her go.

Her neighbor came with her, and they set out to sell their product to kids in their area. They spanned several neighborhoods, and when they had finished, she had sold almost 13 products. These customers were so excited about her product that they asked if they could sell her products too. Eventually, the girl's device made it farther and farther around the world. Her device even caught the attention of several adults who thought her idea was fascinating and bought them as well.

Years continued to go by, and while not everyone had access to her device, the device was able to bring the world together in ways that were unheard of before her time. Additionally, it sparked an idea that would continue to grow into many other ideas of similar nature.

In the end, this sense of social media went viral, and while there may be no proof that it has a positive effect on society, it has the ability to bring the world together and understand just how big of a world it is.

Author's Note: This week I thought I would write a "creation story" that would be a little bit more modern. Based on everything I've read in this class so far, every culture has its own version of a creation story and how the world came to be. Although my story isn't a story about the creation of the world as a whole, I thought this was an interesting twist on the idea of creation. My inspiration for this story was from the Egyptian mythology story of creation.

Bibliography: Ancient Egypt Unit, CreationEgyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie


  1. Hello Stephanie. I enjoyed your story as it shows that even though the little girl was being deterred by her parents, show chose to keep pushing forward and make improvements to her device. The only thing I would probably change in the story is to give it a setting somewhere known in the world, Egypt for example since it is Egyptian mythology you used and to also brand the device somehow. Other than that I thought the story was spot on with what you were looking to accomplish.

  2. Hey Stephanie! I really found your story to be inspirational. I loved how the girl pushed forward despite what the others thought. I also love how you involved technology because in today’s world it seems like technology runs everything and can keep pretty much anyone connected. I also thought that your description with everything was great. I love how you are able to make the reader visualize everything. Great Work!

  3. What a cool way to view social media. Rather than seeing at something that divides us, it is something that brings people together. After reading your note about it being based on the creation story, it made me wish there was a little bit of Adam and Eve thrown in. Like maybe she said "the one thing you mustn't do is stop talking face to face. But people were tempted and stuck to the devices. So she punished them somehow?


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