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Week 10 Storytelling: The Dead Girl's Tale

Once a girl died, and when she awoke all she could see was white. It was such a bright white that at first she couldn't move because she was stunned by it. When her eyes were adjusted she realized that it was a beautiful place with lots of pleasant sounds about, and lots of bright and peaceful colors. It appeared as if she was high in the sky, but just above the cloud lining, where there was a pleasant temperature. She realized that there were many people around her.

It appeared as if as far as her eye could see there was villages and each one had a different, yet distinct look. As she tried to move, she realized that she couldn't and a sense of panic started to arise in her. She looked around but no one had seemed to notice her.

Just then someone approached her; it was her mother who had passed long before her.

They walked along a path, seemingly made of clouds, and as they walked they entered into what looked like small villages. Suddenly, the girl realized she was cold and hungry, and very tired from her long journey.

The first village they approached, a woman immediately clothed her in a blanket and offered her into her home. She forced the girl to sit upon a sofa near the fire and immediately she felt new and hopeful about the new place she had entered.

"This is the village of charity," said her mother. "Now you see what the needy feel like when you provided them with charitable acts and services."

The second village they approached, she also saw her father who approached them. They embraced. Another person approached them and offered them a place to stay. They promised to provide care for them and keep them safe, as long as they stay.

"This is the village of pets," said her father. "Now you see what your pets felt like when you adopted them and cared for them."

Each village they entered simulated the many good characteristics that the human race possesses and reminds those who pass through of all the good they had done in the world, while they wait upon their other loved ones to join them.

Bibliography: The Land of the DeadMyths and Legends of Alaska, Alaskan Legends Unit, edited by Katharine Berry Judson 

Author's Note: This week I was inspired by the story in the Alaskan Legends Unit called the land of the dead. In this story, a girl dies and awakens in the afterlife to her grandfather and he walks her to all these different villages within the town that simulate the bad things on earth that humans do. In my story I wanted to make the afterlife a happier place, so I decided to make the afterlife simulating all the good things that humans do, and use more pleasant descriptive words.

Image Info: The Afterlife


  1. Hi Stephanie!
    I really liked your story! It painted a really nice picture of what it is like after death and was very though provoking. The idea that you can walk around and see all of your greatest achievements is a really cool one. Although, I am sure that many would be frightened by that, as I am sure that there will be a place that shows all of your worst achievements...

  2. Stephanie,
    Great story! I think it was a really interesting take on what happens to us after we die. I like that you would get to relive your sort of glory moments, way more fun then the whole bad side of humanity concept from the original story. I think it would be cool if your picture was a little bigger and a little more towards the top of the story but other than that great job!

  3. Hey Stephanie!
    This story was a very creative way of describing afterlife. I think it would be cool to get to see all of the past moments where we were proud of ourselves or just truly happy in the moment. I thought it was a cool aspect to see what your pets would think about you because its always funny to think about what is going on in their heads!


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