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Week 8: Reading and Writing

Overall the reading and writing assignments are really helpful to my overall understanding and comprehension of the materials in this class. I like how they encourage you to read like a writer, and think about the writing themes and character development in the progression of the stories. It also has made me an even better story teller now that I am more familiar with what I am looking for in the readings. I am better at adding dialogue to my stories and I am better at adding more descriptive wording, as well as being able to recreate a storyline in the same themes as the stories I read each week. It has also been fun to be able to explore in more depth, the stories that I may think I know, but actually only know a small part of the whole story. I am really excited to be able to keep up with the readings and also letting my creativity shine in the writings!

My favorite image from a pervious post is this one:
Image Info: Sloth

This image just makes me smile and it is fun to be able to pick an image that really just encompasses what you are feeling at the time. Whether it be related to the readings, or if it is just a fun picture you want to share, I think it is important to be able to express yourself through writing and also visual effect in this blog.

In the end, if there was one thing I could focus on to being more successful with the reading and the writing in the future, it would be to really focus more on the character development within the stories. I think this is one way that my reading analyzing skills could improve, which would ultimately help my writing skills improve.

Image Info: Another Sloth Picture 


  1. Hey Stephanie! I love the pictures of the sloths that you chose. I always thought sloths were kind of dirty and ugly animals but these picture make them seem funny. I think its funny when sometimes humans remind us of animals, and I have a good friend of mine who reminds me so much of a sloth so this made me laugh. I'm glad your reading and writing seems to be going well and you're seeing personal improvement. Keep up the good work!


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