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Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes Part A

This weeks reading came from the Nursery Rhymes Unit. I chose to read this unit because I was interested to see how familiar I actually was with the nursery rhymes that were presented in this unit compared to the ones I heard as a child, and I wanted to see if there were any new, fun ones.

Here is a list that I made prior to the reading in order to see which ones I could check off from this unit:

This Little Piggy
If You're Happy and You Know It
Five Little Monkeys
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baby Bumble Bee

Since these were nursery rhymes, all of the writing rhymed! I think this would be a fun thing to do for my storytelling this week. What I learned from the reading this time was that the nursery rhyme unit was split up into different segments: tales, proverbs, songs, riddles, paradoxes, charms and lullabies, and games.

One of the main ones I had heard of from the tales segment was Little Jack Horner. I had forgotten about this one, but once I read it I immediately remembered! In the proverbs segment I read:

SEE a pin and pick it up,
All the day you'll have good luck;See a pin and let it lay,Bad luck you'll have all the day!

The way I had originally heard this one was replaced pin with penny, but I think they are the same concept. There was also one about March winds that was similar to one I had heard of.

I forgot about Little Bo Peep in the songs unit, but there was a verse at the end that I had never heard of. London bridge was another one that I had forgotten about and it was similar but different to the way that I remembered it.

I found the riddles segment to be the most interesting. While I hadn't heard of any of these before, it was nice to be able to read through some of these and try to figure out what they were referring to. I really liked that at the bottom, it said what it meant, because there were many that I would not have gotten! I would not have considered Humpty Dumpty to be a riddle, just because he is always seen as an egg but now reading it if you didn't know he was an egg it is a riddle.

The paradoxes segment was also cool because I could really see children liking this one the most, because it really inspires creativity. Then finally in the charms and lullabies segment I found my favorite:

MATTHEW, Mark, Luke, and John,
Guard the bed that I lay on!Four corners to my bed,Four angels round my head;One to watch, one to pray,And two to bear my soul away!

This was something that my soccer team would say before games except we said: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, bless this field we play upon! Help us play with zeal and zest, help us play our very best! 

Overall, I think that all of the nursery rhymes that I have heard of were basically the same as they were presented here in this unit, but there were some slight differences based on the time era and culture.

Bibliography: The Nursery Rhyme Book by Andrew Lang, Nursery Rhymes Unit

Image Info: Hush Little Baby


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