This week I read the article by The Medical Press, Scientist Finds Secret to Thriving. I found this article really interesting because I would never have guessed this was something you could perform a study or experimentation on to find a "secret." Nonetheless, this article said that what it takes to thrive, rather than merely survive, could be as simple as feeling good about life and yourself and being good at something. I think this is important because thriving is seen as a positive adjective to describe where you are in life, so we must look at what this article is saying in order to strive to thrive in life.
Another point that this article that I found interesting was that in this study thriving has been examined at various stages of human life and has at times been described as vitality, learning, mental toughness, focus, or combinations of these and other qualities. Basically, this scientist has studied a wide variety of people at different points in their lives in order to obtain a set of characteristics that can be associated with thriving. They are as follows: optimistic, spiritual or religious, motivated, proactive, someone who enjoys learning, flexible, adaptable, socially competent, believes in self/has self-esteem. I think these are all very important qualities to seek out in life.
Overall, I think its important to seek out these characteristics because if you feel as though you are thriving and others see this in you as well, it is most likely that you are in the right direction in your life.
Source: Scientist Finds Secret to Thriving
Another point that this article that I found interesting was that in this study thriving has been examined at various stages of human life and has at times been described as vitality, learning, mental toughness, focus, or combinations of these and other qualities. Basically, this scientist has studied a wide variety of people at different points in their lives in order to obtain a set of characteristics that can be associated with thriving. They are as follows: optimistic, spiritual or religious, motivated, proactive, someone who enjoys learning, flexible, adaptable, socially competent, believes in self/has self-esteem. I think these are all very important qualities to seek out in life.
Overall, I think its important to seek out these characteristics because if you feel as though you are thriving and others see this in you as well, it is most likely that you are in the right direction in your life.
Source: Scientist Finds Secret to Thriving
Image Info: Astronaut Sloth
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